The Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center as the leading institution of Hungary covers entire spectrum of both pediatric and adult cardiology with dedicated focus on clinical practice, teaching, and research.
The Center is committed to provide excellence in multidisciplinary, comprehensive, and innovative cardiovascular care. A dedicated team of adult and pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists, and cardiac nurses are collaborating together to provide the best medical service in cardiology.
The Gottegen National Cardiovascular Center strives for excellence in educating tomorrow’s health proffesionals. The institue’s educational activities include: training for graduate and postgraduates educational program; holding seminars, symposia, and conferences; publishing scientific and clinical research, training materials, and public outreach.
As the example for leadership, and integrity we develop newer, and more effective therapies and make them available to the broader patient populations by investing in more integrated traslational research, and implementing our research findings into newer therapeutics. The future of cardiology lies in breaking down old barriers both horizontally – between adult and pediatric cardiology, and heart surgery, and neurology and vascular medicine – and vertically, between basic and applied sciences and clinical practice. The Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center focuses on growth that is based on cross-disciplinary centers. Our initiatives will position us to achieve goals and dicoveries in cardiovascular diseases that are beyond our reach today.
This is not merely science for sciences’s sake. At the end of the day, it all comes back to the patient.
Exploring new clinical and applied research frontiers, and training young scientists and clinicians empower us to improve and save our patient’s lives. We believe to make the Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center as a home for our patients to deliver the best medical services, and improving the health and well-being of our nation and beyond.
The Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center stives to provide high quality medical service for our patients; educate the entire community, and our patients; and lead high quality research for the future health care.
Our vision is to make Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center a national leader in health for the purpose of improving the health and well-being of Hungarians and beyond.
Our believes
Care for the patient as if they are your own family.
“Patients First” is our guiding principle. Our patient-centered strategies focus on compassion, and ensures our sustainable, long-term and viable future.
We are well recognized for our exceptional medical care delivered by our multidisciplinary teams. We challenge ourselves to get better each year. Our goals are to save more lives, relieve more suffering, and provide the best available patient care.
Treat fellow caregivers as if they were your own family.
We strongly believe in teamwork; however individual way of thinking and independence are also suported too. Our caregivers are treated equally. Our goal is to make Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center the best place to work.
We are committed to the communities we serve.
Community benefit of Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center goes far beyond healthcare services.
As an anchor institution, we promote high quality cardiovascular care to the entire country. However furthur we build the future health of our community with our projects for disease prevention and healthy life style protocols which are focused to decrease the mortality of cardiovascular diseases, and enhance the life expectancy of our generations.
Treat the organization as your home.
Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center is the leading cardiovascular hospital in Hungary. We deliver excellence in health care for our patients who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases. We care for the Institution as our home, by securing its financial health, using resources mindfully, and providing our services to so many patients in need.
Quality & Safety - We ensure the highest standards and excellent outcomes through our exceptional abilities and knowledge, effective interactions, decision-making, and actions.
Empathy - We know and understand what another person is going through. We work to alleviate suffering, and support healing, recovery, and create joy every day.
Inclusion - We intentionally create an environment where all of our team members and colleagues are valued, accepted and respected despite of the possible differences.
Integrity - We adhere to high moral principles, and professional standards by committing to honesty, confidentiality, trust, respect, and transparency. We are committed to conduct the bussiness in a right way by emphasizing corporate compliance, transparency, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and ethical decision-making.
Teamwork - We work together to ensure the best possible care, safety, well-being of our patients, and fellow caregivers.
Innovation -We are continously trying to work out our ideas to serve the fight against cardiovacular diseases with the results.
Contact Us
Phone: +36 1 299 8100